Sunday, October 31, 2010

Beautiful =)

Last week at our HSM services we gifted a song to each student that attended a service. The girls were given the song "Beautiful" by Bethany Dillon. It's a song that actually touchs my heart and brings a smile to my face. Bethany talks about wanting to be beautiful from the inside-out. And that is my prayer for all of our students. I hope that every girl in our ministry realizes they are BEAUTIFUL on the inside and thats what matters the most. Its not about what clothes you wear or how much make-up you cake on, its about what makes your heart beat. Its about where your passions are and how you use them to bring glory to God. because God thinks you are perfect and beautiful in every way! Here is the song that I love so much and hope every girl can be real like Bethany is in this song.


I was so unique 
Now I feel skin deep 
I count on the make-up to cover it all 
Crying myself to sleep cause I cannot keep their attention 
I thought I could be strong 
But it's killing me 

Does someone hear my cry? 
I'm dying for new life 

I want to be beautiful 
Make you stand in awe 
Look inside my heart, 
and be amazed 
I want to hear you say 
Who I am is quite enough 
Just want to be worthy of love 
And beautiful 

Sometimes I wish I was someone other than me 
Fighting to make the mirror happy 
Trying to find whatever is missing 
Won't you help me back to glory 


You make me beautiful 
You make me stand in awe 
You step inside my heart, and I am amazed 
I love to hear You say 
Who I am is quite enough 
You make me worthy of love and beautiful 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Part of Revival and Change




Life Changing





These past couple of weeks have been all of those words and so much more. I have been blown away by what is going on around me and in my life. God is transforming the world through his love and mercy and its incredible to be a part of that. Here is a little glimpse at what God is doing:
1). Four months ago I was hired part-time at Saddleback Church as an admin for the high school ministry. I have LOVED every minute of it and couldn't be happier. Well about 2 weeks ago that all changed...I have now been offered a full-time position on the team as an admin and coordinator!! I've always wrestled with God about going into ministry especially since I went to school to become a teacher. My plan was to teach in the inner city and change kids lives from horrible to incredible. I wanted to show them how much they are loved despite their economic and family situations. I guess God had another plan and I can't tell you how easy this transition has been for me. I will sign my offer letter on Thursday...God is AMAZING!!! I am so excited and overflowing with joy and peace. I can already see God using me and setting my heart on fire =)
2). About 6 years ago I invested in time, energy and love into a friend of mine. I was a senior in high school and didn't think that God was really using me in my friendships. I spent a lot of time with a certain boy and wanted him so badly to know Jesus. I saw a lot of potential in him that others didn't see. When I went to college we lost touch except for the occasional facebook message or text message. However it didn't matter how distant our friendship was, I still prayed that he would come to know just how great he was and how loved by Jesus he was. Well 4 months ago I got a letter from him saying he had accepted Jesus. It was a long letter with lots of thank you's and an incredible story. We recently met up for church and hang out time. He has an unbelievable story and the joy of Christ is beaming from his face! I am so proud to call him my friend and amazed at how a seed planted 6 years ago has taken root in his life =)
3). Students. I am surrounded by high school students almost daily! One of my favorite parts of my new job is getting to see lives transformed, healed, and set on fire. Students are stepping up and leading friends and family to the big family of Christ. I have 12 girls that I mentor and hang out with on a weekly basis and wow is God changing them!! They are so eager to learn more, to grow more and to DO more that it is encouraging to me. Their conversations are so heart-felt, genuine and sincere. These girls don't just want to attend church on the weekend, they want to be the church during the week too. I am inspired by you girls!!!!
4). Friendships. I am never more amazed than when God uses my friends to teach me lessons. My friendships have changed a lot in the past 2 years. I have grown to realize exactly what I want out of friendships and the type of people I want to call my friends. God has shown me that I want friendships centered around Christ. I want to be able to talk about God and debate about God. I want to be loved in a friendship. I want our morals, values and lifestyles to be the same. Lately God is teaching me to really examine my relationships and maybe start focusing on some key ones instead of others. I LOVE the messages I'm being taught through my different groups of friends...they are transforming me and shaping me into what I am meant to be TODAY.
Never Failing
Hearts are being broken and Lives are being changed and I'm excited to be on this journey, watching, participating, mentoring and rejoicing =)