Sunday, February 27, 2011


I have a confession to make: I am a blog stocker!!! I absolutely love reading peoples blogs! Most of the time I have no connection to the blogger except for seeing their blog on someone else's blog or facebook. However I love reading about party planning ideas, new recipes, life journeys, and great ramblings. I love that blogs make me laugh, smile and sometimes cry....yes cry. Its like a good book, but for those of us that don't whole-heartily love reading, blogs satisfy those book reading emotions. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

What I've been doing the last month....

Turned 25 and moved out of my parents house into this fun little place:
When we returned from Winter Camp we were welcomed by a great sign made my 2 little sisters
My new bedroom. My bed was grandma's when she was a teen, and then passed to my cousin, now mine =)

I've also been busy with work and planning my best friend, Brooke's, bridal shower. Here are some pictures from the shower. The theme was pink, orange and yellow with an afternoon tea twist. Decorations were all craft projects I've been working on for months. 

My best friends!! Brooke (in yellow, the bride), Carolyn (sadly she is in texas), & Jessica

So as you can see life has been busy. Updates to come soon, with more pictures of what has been going on. Hopefully the next month will include some travel plans with friends, doing some hiking locally and exciting work updates.