Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

I ran across this article this morning. Its a great reminder of what Jesus went through on Good Friday.

Holy Week: What Happened on Good Friday?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Saddleback Mountain

A week ago today I set out on an adventure to hike Saddleback Mountain with three great friends. Our goal was to hike the 8 miles up to the top where we would enjoy an incredible view and some lunch. Here is the adventure in a nutshell:
1). The drive into the canyon is bumpy and a fun off road trail...I don't recommend taking a small vehicle
2). Be ready to hike about 1-2 miles into the canyon before you get to the actual trail head
3). The stream/river that runs through Holy Jim's canyon is beautiful and refreshing. I love the sound of water so this was one of my favorite parts.
4). The journey up is long and sometimes steep without shade but its so worth it. You are completely surrounded by God's creation and the normal OC buildings and materialism are out of sight.
5). Shoes!!! good shoes are so important. I thought I wore good shoes but about 4 miles in my heels were turning into a blistered mess. I now have "battle" wounds on both heels.....
6). Go with friends! Hiking is a great time for good conversations, laughs, freak out moments and bonding.

The hike was great! I didn't make it all the way because of my gnarly blisters but I enjoyed every moment of it. Definitely looking forward to more hiking adventures in the future =)

me and my sister Danyale at our stopping point

this is what bugs and pain do to you while eating lunch