Tuesday, January 10, 2012

7 Wonders of the World!

I have always been fasinated by the 7 Wonders of the World. Yesterday I decided to make it a goal of mine to visit each of the 7 Wonders within the next 10 years knowing that I have already been to two of them, Nigara Falls and the Grand Canyon. So last night I did some research to see just how obtainable this goal was. Well I learned A LOT....there are now three different list of wonders. There are 7 natural wonders, 7 ancient and 7 "new" wonders of the world. WOW 21 wonders of the world in ten years, not sure I can do it. With that said here is a list of the ones I will visit within the next ten years along with what list they are on.

1) The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt (ancient list)
2). Christ the Redeemer Statue (new list)
3). The Great Wall of China (new list)
4). Macha Picchu, Peru (new list)
5). Taj Mahal (new list)
6). The Lighthouse in Egypt (old list)
7). The Great Barrier Reef (natural)
8). Northern Lights (natural)
9). Mt Everest (natural)

Looks like I have some major travel plans to start making and start saving for =)