Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Confession time

I am addicted to reading blogs!! I love reading what's on other people's hearts. I love reading about the adventures my friends are going on. I love reading about what God is doing and has done around the world through ordinary people.
One of my favorite blogs is written by a lady named Kristen Howerton. She has some incredibly inspiring post about every day life, but my favorite section of her blog is the "What I want You to Know" section. It is here that guest get to write post about real life struggles and how the outsider can help. This week I read the following post and it hit home for one reason in particular. It is a post about online sex and porn. In HSM we have a LOT of students struggling with this addiction and it breaks my heart. Read the link below;


I love the honesty of the writer! I love the reality that cybersex is happening all around us and in people we might not ever expect. However those people are people. They are our friends, coworkers, and even family members. They need just as much love and support as someone that is caught up in the sin of lying. We all fall short and are in need of a Savior!!