Friday, July 13, 2012

Holy Moly - guacamole?!?!

Holy Moly describes how I feel just about every evening for the past 2 weeks. I've been going to bed with so much on my mind that I can't help say "holy moly, what did I even accomplish today if I have that much to do tomorrow?" And then I look back over some word "vomit" that's in my journal and realize that what I've been song each day is helping further the kingdom of heaven. I may have just answered phone calls all day or emails but it's all for the glory of God. "whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God"
Here is a pic of journal entry this morning. Thought I'd share it so you can see what God is doing in my life right now :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Photo update

The last couple of weeks have left me feeling overwhelmed!! so here is a photo dump of what life has been looking like lately.