Monday, March 24, 2014

2014 - A ripple effect

The ripple effects of events from 2013 have quickly filled my calendar. It's only three months into 2014 and I have 4 weddings, multiple bridal showers, a handful of baby showers, birthday parties, work events, and a family reunion on the books. Some of those include my love for planning while others I get to just sit back and enjoy. Needless to say, the plans are beginning to unfold for several of these large events which leaves me with little time to sit down and update you guys on life. As my job now includes overseeing all of our events, and I'm quickly getting asked to assist in everyday life events for family and friends, I'm learning that Pinterest is my best friend. If you don't know what Pinterest is Google it, your life will forever be changed. With each pin, I get more and more excited to help create opportunities for people to fellowship and for students to meet the Lord. From cakes to silly games, it's exciting. My life has become one giant event! I love decorating my home, making dinner for guest, planning trips to Disneyland, and even simple crafting. It's refreshing to sit on my couch and dream of what can be done to make a friends' birthday party special.
+This past weekend I hosted a baby shower for a former student, now friend. Here are some highlights.

++Can't wait to meet Zadok

xoxo A