Saturday, September 11, 2010


Okay most of you know that Disneyland is one of my favorite places to go. I love the rides, I love the employees, I love the atmosphere and I love watching tourists. Its a place I can go to often and not get sick of. This week I have gone twice so far and plan to go again Sunday and Tuesday, which will make it 4 times in 7 days. The past couple of times I have noticed some things that make me love it even more.

1). Peacefulness- although Disneyland is loud it is somewhat peaceful. The music is always uplifting, employees always have a smile on their faces and if you stop and listen long enough you'll hear quiet. I know it sounds crazy but its true. Stop and sit on a bench. Sit without talking and just listen. Its amazing!

2). Diversity- One of my favorite "hobbies" is people watching. People watching at Disneyland is incredible! It is so beautiful to hear so many different languages all at once and then to see people from all over the world enjoying a common place. The diversity in families, friends, rides, shows, and employees is far greater than anywhere else in the world. If you pay attention to the employees name tags they say where they are from. Some of them are from other parts of the world, some are from my home city of Lake Forest. How cool is that!!! People from all over the place working together, playing together and having fun together. That is how God meant it to be!!!

3). Joy- Disneyland is a place that makes me forget about all the craziness in my life and just focus on having fun. I truly find so much joy in going to Dland that I really turn into a child again (and according to one of my bosses I am a 5 year old trapped in a 24 year old body). I experience so much joy just watching people laugh on rides, smile when they see a princess or scream with excitment when the fireworks are displayed. It makes me think "if being at Dland brings me this much joy how much more joyful will I be in heaven?" I mean truly I am excited to go to church on the weekend and to work for the church during the week and a lot of my job brings me much joy. I am joyful when I am serving the Lord but I am not always joyful in my daily life. But Dland brings me joy and puts a smile on my face and that is what God wants from us. He wants us to be as joyful in Him and His creation! So thats what I am pursuing this month, to have joy for God like I do for Disneyland =)

All of that said I learn lots from Disneyland. Its not just a fun place to go with friends and family but its a place to learn some great life lessons and to get a reality check.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

He is Jealous

I was recently listening to a song by David Crowder that really got me thinking. There is a part in the song that goes like this:
he is jealous for me
loves like a hurricane I am a tree
bending benethe the weight of his wind and mercy
I think the concept of God being jealous for us is so hard to grasp!! I mean how can a God that is so powerful be jealous of me. He has the power to snap me into place. The power to pick me up when I'm on the wrong path and yet he waits for me to choose to follow him. He looks over me and becomes jealous when I spend time on facebook or twitter or shopping instead of spending time with Him. I think of how I get jealous of other people and how much more is God jealous for me. And not just portions of me but ALL of me. It really is remarkable and lovely!