Monday, May 7, 2012

Life Giving Relationships

I have always taken extreme pride over the friendships that I have. I'm kind of picky when it comes to whom I spend my free time with and who I share lifes ups and downs with. If you know me well, you know that I'm pretty introverted and love small group or one-on-one relationships. I'm not the life of the party. I'm not the person that loves large crowds and environments where I know no one. I would rather have a small dinner party and game night with close friends then a large, crazy Friday night party. 
In the last two years I have had to become a little more extroverted as I work with high school students in ministry. But to be honest by Sunday night, after working 6 days and pouring into students, parents and volunteers, I'm exhausted. The introverted side of me wants to crawl into bed and be by myself for 24 hours. Resting, thinking, and processing the week that just passed. I can be pretty selfish by the time Sunday night and Monday morning roll around. I don't really want to spend time pouring into others, I want to spend time being poured into. I want to hang out with people that are easy going, low maintenance, no drama. With people that understand how a true relationship works, give and take type of things. And that is where Life Giving Relationships play in. 
I have 6 friends that are life giving! They are incredible women who love the Lord. We have all had our fair share of ups and downs and we have definitely seen the ugly side of each other. Despite the messiness of friendship, we love each other. And this last week I was blessed to spend time with each of them separately. Disneyland, lunch, sno-on-the go, 2 hour phone convos, all so refreshing. By the end of the week I felt like a new breath of life had been breathed in me. As silly as that sounds, I felt that the advice, laughs, and intentional conversations I had through out the week, had left me feeling loved, valued, and blessed. Blessed that I can walk through life alongside of these friends! 

I think it is obviously so important to have friendships that give and take. For me, it is better to have a small group of friends that can walk the storms of life with you then a large group of acquaintances. Life isn't meant to be done alone. We are meant to live in community. This is my community. 6 friends and a loving sister! All living for the Lord. All challenging each other to grow physically, mentally and spiritually.

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