Friday, August 13, 2010


Family is the greatest earthly gift God could have given me/us. My family is my everything! They are my best friends, my support system, my accountablity partners. They are incredible, God fearing, perservering people. And it took me way too long to realize that! I have always loved and appreciated them. My sister has always been my friend but it wasn't until the past couple of years that she became my best friend. Four years ago my family started to change. We lost my grandpa, my cousin, and my cousin's daughter all within 7 months and it was a HUGE reality check for all of us. Life is short and you never know when its your turn to go live with Jesus. I think we all at some point or another wish we were with Jesus already but when you loose someone at a young age your perspective changes a little bit. You understand that God created your family to be a community, a strong force and example to the world of what God's family looks like and acts like. There are so many broken families in this world and it breaks my heart. They are not just divorced parents but its uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, parents, children....all not connecting, all not uniting for a common cause. They are hurting, separated and living their lives alone. None of this is how God intended it to be and yet sin enters our lives and tears us apart. It has become my prayer in the last four years that no one would ever have to go through what we have been through in order to turn their families back to God and back to each other. I pray that people would lean on family when there isn't a crisis. That they might treasure their family for everything it is and everything it could be. My family isn't perfect....or anywhere close to it, but we are united. Our ties together are growing, and everyday there is more of a desire to all be together....extended family and all.

I LOVE MY FAMILY!!! I would do anything for each memeber....even if it means affending them to take a step forward in healing. They are amazing and God is doing great things =)

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