Friday, August 6, 2010

Life back home

A week from today I was making my 17 hour journey back home after being in France for 3 weeks. The journey home was filled with exhaustion, excitement, anticipation, and reflection. After three weeks of learning, walking and lots of doing, I was emotionally and physically drained. I had learned so much about the church history of France that my heart was broken for the Christians that lived there. Their hearts are so torn and their job as a Christian is so tiring that even thinking about it now drains me. They face a lot of trials that a Christian in the U.S. doesn't even think about. Buildings for example are not easy to come by and its not just finances that keep churches from purchasing a building, its the mayors that won't accept them into their town, its the government system that oppresses the church. France is filled with spiritual oppression which really made me think about just how blessed I am to be living in a country that embraces every religion. I mean, as I am writing this I am sitting in my office at church which covers acres of land and offers just about every kind service you could ever imagine. Churches like Saddleback don't exist in France. I had also just spent three weeks away from my family and the comforts of home. I had to share a bathroom with 7 people. I shared a room with Cami, Adrianne and Mandy and slept in a bunk bed. So on the plane ride home I was so excited to get back to my house and just relax on the couch all by myself. I am definitely a person who needs alone time to think and process events on a daily basis.
Physically I had walked more than ever!!! We climbed about 50 stairs a day through the metro and walked about 8 miles or more everyday. It was a great way to get in shape but I will admit by the end of three weeks I was ready to get in my car and drive =)
I've had a week now to adjust to life at home again and reflect on everything I have learned in the last month. It was an amazing trip!! I can't even begin to express how much I learned and grew because of the contacts we had in France. I have been inspired, stretched, and motivated. God also confirmed while I was there why I am now sitting at a desk inside the High School Ministry office at church. This is where my heart is! I am serving not only my coworkers by doing task like answering emails and phones or hanging Nerf guns on the office wall, but I am serving students. Students who might now have great role models at home. Students who need Jesus, and it is fabulous!!

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