Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This word means so much and has so much weight attached that I often find myself avoiding it like the plague. I'm a deep thinker,  and processor but not an intentional reflector. Today however I found myself spending a lot of time with Jesus reflecting. For the first time in a while I had a full day off with no responsibilities. Normally a day off for me means running errands and doing favors for family or friends, like picking up neighbors from school, or putting in some hours at other job places but today was much different. I started by reading the book of Philemon which is all about conflict resolution. Let me just say it was incredible! My eyes were really open to an inner conflict I've been having with myself that I didn't think was a big deal. Turns out it really has been effecting me and my attitude towards people. So I've spent the day reflecting on the words of Paul and how I can change my heart to reflect Jesus. During this time I took a little trip to the Irvine Spectrum to purchase a new pair of TOMS (i ended up buying 2 pairs). The Spectrum is an interesting place, filled with searchers. Searchers, seeking the perfect pair of jeans, the perfect afternoon snack, the perfect significant other and perhaps the perfect puzzle piece to their broken heart. While there today I found some boys searching for help to save our ever changing and diminishing world. They are part of the organization called Green Peace and they are passionate about our world. Now I'm not a "green" person but I do believe in helping our earth, so I stood there and listened while they poured out their passion and then I shared my passion. I told them I would donate to their cause but I also told them that it was because I believe Jesus doesn't want our world diminish before he comes. He wants the rain forest to stay health. Homes should not be taking over our jungles. I also believe creation SHOUTS praises to Jesus and that is just why I love the rain forest, the jungles, the diversity of people in this world. So as a reflection day I thought about these boys and their passion and how my passion for Christ could unite with theirs...which means maybe I'll go to one of their meetings and check it out. Maybe I'll volunteer to help them clean some beaches or do other service projects and then hopefully I'll be able to truly share Jesus with them. Anyways I kind of digress.
After reflecting and spending time with Jesus I was brought to my knees in awe. this past month I have been richly blessed. Not in money or in time but in passion. I am seeing my passion come alive and be used in my job. My heart is overflowing as I watch people turn to Jesus and in that my inner conflict is being resolved. I wrestle with doing what God wants in my life vs what I want but I realized today what I want is what God wants. I want hurting people to be healed. I want the lost to be saved. I want poverty to end. My heart of the people of Guatemala is still heavy and so is God's. He wants those people to have homes and hearts that beat for Him.
Reflection: powerful, meaningful, needed in my life!

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