Thursday, November 11, 2010


WOW its been over 7 years since I went college hunting and looking back I realize I had NO control over where I went to school. Sure my parents let me pick to a certain extent and sure I got to go all over the place for college preview days but still in the end I didn't go to my favorite school. If I would have the money I would have headed straight to The Master's College in Santa Clarita, Ca. It was beautiful and had the feeling of home. Jesus had another idea....he dragged me to Concordia University in Irvine (who happened to offer me a lot of scholarship money) Up until the day I got there, it felt like I was settling, but knew I would be there all 4 years no matter what. Well it was the most amazing 4 years of my life so far. There were ups and downs, highs and lows, but I wouldn't be who I am today if Jesus wouldn't have dragged me by my feet to that lovely campus on the hill. I met my best friends, got the best education, and had great life changing experiences.
Well today I get to embark on the college hunting journey with my "little sister" (my neighbor, Emily). I am taking her and her sister up to Northern California for 4 days of fun, adventure and college tours. Emily is a sophomore but is setting her eyes on finding the right college sooner rather than later. My sister, Danyale, goes to Sonoma State in Rohnert Park so we are staying with her, which the girls are super excited about. Its going to be an adventure of memories, laughs, and learning. I'm super stoked to be able to have an opportunity to shed some college light and joy into the lives of a younger generation. My college career was guided by a great mentor, friend and family member (my cousin). And just as she encouraged me, stretched me, and even helped me with the occasional essays, I hope to do the same for my "little sisters/neighbors" So here we go...a 1 hour plane ride, a 1 hour car ride and we'll be on our way to Berkeley and then Sonoma =)

wish me luck =)

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