Friday, December 3, 2010

Fun Friday

It's been a while since I've sat down to share my life journey, so here's the update:

November I went to see my sister at Sonoma State (see last post). It was an incredible trip filled with laughs, new adventures, sleeping on deflated air mattresses, and of course some happy tears. I loved every minute of this trip...and I'm a little bummed that it was my last trip up there. Danyale graduates in just 2 weeks so i'll never have a reason to go "live the college life" for a weekend =(

Thanksgiving left me pondering life and just how incredibly lucky I am. I know thats a phrase I say often but this Thanksgiving season truly revealed to me some incredible things to be thankful for. It really hit me that God CALLS us to be thankful in all things. He doesn't just suggest it, or say maybe you should be thankful he CALLS, or should I say demands that if we are followers of Christ we are to be thankful. So I spent a lot of time th past couple of weeks observing my surroundings and the little things I can be thankful for besides my friends, family, and a great job.

Now on to the fun stuff. I have officially assigned fridays to be FUN FRIDAYS!!! Today I enjoyed a day off by heading to Mt High (the local ski resort) with some friends for a couple hours of snowboarding. It was exercise, and it was incredible! I think there are weeks that I forget to take time to just have some fun. So Fridays will be my "Fun" days. If you have any suggestions on activities for me to do...give me a holler =)

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