Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas List

It's that time of year when the tree is up and the presents start to appear. Let me first just say, I LOVE Christmas!! The older I get the more I love this holiday and the crazy thing is it's not because I get bigger and better gifts (I actually get fewer and smaller gifts). I'm pretty sure I love this holiday because it's all about Jesus! It's all about celebrating the gifts we get because Jesus came into the world on that fabulous Christmas so long ago.
Well with Christmas celebrations come a Christmas list...which my family has asked me for more times than I can count (we send list to the extend family too). This was the list I sent them:

Dear Family,
This year I want gifts that give back. Christmas isn't about me, its about giving, so I want the gifts I receive to be gifts that also give. Here it is:
1). TOMS- I LOVE TOMS!! I have 4 pairs already but they have so many different colors that I would greatly recieve new pairs
2). Sponsorship money- I support a little girl in Guatemala and would love for you to partner with me to provide school, food, clothes and the gospel to her for yet another year =)
3). A Camera- I am looking to upgrade my camera...which isn't neccessarily a giving-back gift...but its my selfish gift of the year. so money towards this would be great
4). 31Bits- my new favorite jewelry. Women in africa make these beautiful yet simple pieces of jewelry

Thanks in advance =)
(blog friends...thats my family nickname...don't ask)

My grown up Christmas list is ever evolving and honestly not about me anymore...I would rather give gifts and watch people open them than recieve a bunch of gifts. 

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