Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 Through the Alphabet!

2010 has come and gone. It's been a roller coaster filled with loops, turns, and corkscrews but I wouldn't change any of it. Here is the year in review =)

A- Alaina turned 24!
B- lots of Boat runs to Havasu for wake boarding and family time
C- Called into ministry at Saddleback Church 
D- Dresses gallor were needed for the many weddings and large events attended in 2010
E- Exciting year of new friends and a new job
F- goal this year was to truly focus on friendships, family time and where I was going in life
G- Gatherings of family and friends was a huge theme (there were lots of them)
H- HSM is where I spend most of my time now...high school ministry...not just a job but a serving opportunity
I- Integrity is the new word of 2011. Live a life of Integrity!
J- Juggling. I juggled four jobs this year...and it was crazy
K- Kids, I managed to fit in those ever so great babysitting jobs that fill my life with funny things kids say
L- Love filled my life through some transitions and new directions
M- Monet's Garden in the countryside of Paris was a sight to see, filled with beauty and solitude. 
N- Neat, doesn't begin to describe how I felt about my trip to Paris this year. I went with "neat" people, saw "neat" sights, and learned just how "neat" the work of Jesus is in other countries
O- I took every Opportunity to travel, learn, explore, and grow
P- I learned to work hard but Play harder
Q- Quiet time was hard to come by but accomplished during the much needed days off during summer
R- Risk taker I am not but this year I took a few steps out of my comfort zone and ended up with an amazing job =)
S- Soccer is still a big part of my life as I continue to play two days a week and coach occasionally
T- Travel became a huge part of this year...Paris for 3 weeks, several Havasu trips, Palm Springs & Northern California
U- Understand teenagers...still working on this one =)
V- Variety was a goal this year....I wanted to add variety to my life through new experiences and I certainly met that goal.
W- Wishing that 2011 is as fun and eventful as this past year has been
X- "x"tra special little sister graduated college!!!
Y- the inner Youth worker in me is coming out and I'm loving it
Z- zip-ling!!! I'm ending this alphabet with a goal for 2011...I want to go zip ling through a jungle!

2011 should be a good one! I'm looking forward to some travel, adding some more outdoor adventures to my life and expanding my desire for learning =)

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