Friday, December 10, 2010

Fun Friday #2

Well Fun Friday #2 has crept up on me and left me with some friday "to do" list instead of friday "fun" list.

The "To Do" list went a little like this:
Work for a couple hours 
Finish cleaning out my room
Wrap Christmas presents
Run errands

Well have about 3 hours at work and 2 hours home/apartment looking, my room is still not cleaned out or organized and I have no presents wrapped. My room not being organized is driving me crazy!!!! I am tempted to stay up tonight and finish just to save me the stress of having a messy room all weekend. My errand running is halfway completed...I just need to find an ugly Christmas sweater (or make one) and get some secret santa gifts. So its 10pm and I realize that most of my "To Do" list didn't really get finished and my friday wasn't as "fun" as it could have been but I did get to see an awesome Christmas play tonight.

Saddleback Church put on a play called "The Gift" this week and tonight I got to experience it. There was incredible dancing, beautiful singing and a joyful message of hope, peace and love. The audience was told the Christmas story in a fun and light way which I have to admit brought tears to my eyes (i'm not normally a big crier). I loved every minute of it and was in awe of the talent we have at Saddleback. God has blessed us immensely!

Welp that wraps up friday...a little boring...but i'll be honest I LOVED today! Maybe because organizing and cleaning are my gifts, or maybe because I was reminded just how incredible the story of Christmas is...whatever the reason today was a "fun friday" after all =)

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