Saturday, January 8, 2011


I have been singing since I can remember. I sing in the shower, in my car, my room, around the house, I LOVE singing. In high school I led our youth ministry worship band. At school I did competition choir which filled my life with singing and dancing for the community. With that said music plays a huge role in my life. If you look at my iPod (although it recently was pronounced dead by the Apple Pros) you will find anything from rap to classical and everything in between.

Today I would like to share with you one of my all time favorite songs by David Crowder Band. David Crowder is incredible! His songs are insightful and filled with the good news of Jesus. So sit back, hit play and enjoy worshiping with David Crowder =)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 Through the Alphabet!

2010 has come and gone. It's been a roller coaster filled with loops, turns, and corkscrews but I wouldn't change any of it. Here is the year in review =)

A- Alaina turned 24!
B- lots of Boat runs to Havasu for wake boarding and family time
C- Called into ministry at Saddleback Church 
D- Dresses gallor were needed for the many weddings and large events attended in 2010
E- Exciting year of new friends and a new job
F- goal this year was to truly focus on friendships, family time and where I was going in life
G- Gatherings of family and friends was a huge theme (there were lots of them)
H- HSM is where I spend most of my time now...high school ministry...not just a job but a serving opportunity
I- Integrity is the new word of 2011. Live a life of Integrity!
J- Juggling. I juggled four jobs this year...and it was crazy
K- Kids, I managed to fit in those ever so great babysitting jobs that fill my life with funny things kids say
L- Love filled my life through some transitions and new directions
M- Monet's Garden in the countryside of Paris was a sight to see, filled with beauty and solitude. 
N- Neat, doesn't begin to describe how I felt about my trip to Paris this year. I went with "neat" people, saw "neat" sights, and learned just how "neat" the work of Jesus is in other countries
O- I took every Opportunity to travel, learn, explore, and grow
P- I learned to work hard but Play harder
Q- Quiet time was hard to come by but accomplished during the much needed days off during summer
R- Risk taker I am not but this year I took a few steps out of my comfort zone and ended up with an amazing job =)
S- Soccer is still a big part of my life as I continue to play two days a week and coach occasionally
T- Travel became a huge part of this year...Paris for 3 weeks, several Havasu trips, Palm Springs & Northern California
U- Understand teenagers...still working on this one =)
V- Variety was a goal this year....I wanted to add variety to my life through new experiences and I certainly met that goal.
W- Wishing that 2011 is as fun and eventful as this past year has been
X- "x"tra special little sister graduated college!!!
Y- the inner Youth worker in me is coming out and I'm loving it
Z- zip-ling!!! I'm ending this alphabet with a goal for 2011...I want to go zip ling through a jungle!

2011 should be a good one! I'm looking forward to some travel, adding some more outdoor adventures to my life and expanding my desire for learning =)