Sunday, September 4, 2011

For my L.G. girls

Life today is so complicated. Its filled with pressures to be someone you aren't. To date boys that your parents would never approve of. Do things that in your gut you know you shouldn't do. And follow people like Lady Gaga instead of Jesus.
When I was in high school I was definitely more concentrated on sports, school, work and church than boys but I can honestly say I made my fair share of mistakes. Just a glimpse: Senior year dated a boy that my parents, sister and friends didn't approve of. He was a "bad" boy. Not a Jesus follower, younger than I was, pulled me away from my faith a little, challenged me to do things I didn't want to do and influenced me away from being the person that I really was. Looking back it was dumb! I was dumb!
I ran across this song a while back and thought the words were perfect for that teenage girl wrapped up in the world and the views of dating. The "video" part is awful but the lyrics are great!

Don't be that typical girl that changes everything for a boy. A boy that expects you to change is not worth your time. Focus on school, hobbies, your friends, your family and your relationship with God and eventually (in God's perfect timing) you'll get a boyfriend. When your focus is off of boys and on God's path life will be so much easier and someone will fall in love with who you are and not who you are trying to be.

Love you girls!!

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