Monday, March 26, 2012

1 Month!!!

One Month! Wow one month away from facebook and I can honestly say I DO NOT miss it. Okay so technically it will be one month on Thursday but I know I won't have time to blog this week so I'm getting ahead =) After a month of being "disconnected" to the facebook world I have realized just how much our current culture relays on it. Students, parents, my family, friends, coworkers, everyone is guilty of using facebook as a HUGE source of information. I can't tell you how many times a day I hear "did you see on facebook ______." No I haven't because I've been working, exercising, talking on the phone or just plain hanging out with people. It isn't all bad but it has opened my eyes to a whole world that I knew depended on the social media but never realized how much. Because of this reliance I have had some frustrations while away. It has been hard to connect with students for serve projects, weekend services, office help and just plain hanging out. It was most frustrating when I couldn't communicate to our El Toro Owns the Weekend Kids. I know I have missed some birthday parties and other events because I forgot to put them on my calendar before signing off facebook (sorry if i missed your party). I miss writing notes on students walls and celebrating them in status' so everyone can see. Here is some honesty for you; I hate that two of my small group girls have new boyfriends, and I can't get online to "stock" them and make sure they are good, God loving, boys. I hate that a friend from college had a baby and I'm not going to see pictures until he is over a month old (I love baby pics). And yet I love that I have to trust my girls when they tell me the facts about these boys. I love that after the facebook hype over my friends baby pics, I'll be able to look at them and bring some new joy and hype back to her pics. With all that said I also have to admit that I have had people help me stay a little up to date on what life is like on facebook. My mom has kept me up to date on what family status updates are out there and what some of my old friends are doing. My Life Group girls have updated me on all student drama, including sending my some screen shoot pics. So I'm a little in the loop =)
While feeling a bit disconnected, I have also felt a huge relief. I am involved in less drama. I am less consumed by looking at peoples pictures. I don't lay in bed at midnight looking through status' on my phone. Most importantly I am connecting with the people most important to me and not worrying about the people who aren't truly in my life. It is not that I don't care about the people that I would call acquaintances, it is just that in the small amount of time I have outside of work and pouring into students, I would rather catch up with people that are near and dear to me. And that is exactly what I have done. I have spent hours on the phone. Hours reading books. Time writing cards and sending emails to family and distant friends. I spend less time looking at my phone and more time looking across the table with my family. Needless to say I am really enjoying not having facebook!! I may even dare to say that when I go back to it, I will check it occasionally but not use it anywhere close to how I use to.

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