Saturday, March 10, 2012

Two Week Mark

Two weeks have flown by since giving up facebook and it has honestly been the most freeing two weeks I have felt in a while. I didn't realize how much drama comes with being connected to facebook and how many conversations start with "did you see _______ on facebook?" Having real life conversations with people over the phone or at a coffee shop is so satisfying verse over online chat! Here are some things I've spent the last two weeks thinking about and doing.

1). The first week of lent I dedicated to the word re:Lent. I spent my times with God focusing on this word and how it was used in the bible and how I can apply it now. I learned that God is relentless. He never gives up. He doesn't chose the easy way out. I learned that relent means to soften in feeling, temper or determination. In the Old Testament God relents towards his people often! His people do things day in and day out that don't honor him and only bring more harm to themselves, but God chooses to soften the blow by showing grace and favor upon them (Isaiah 57:6 is a good example). I learned at the end of the week that I need to soften (relent) my determination and self motivation for some compassion and grace. I get too wrapped up in power through stuff that I forget to let others come along side me so that I can teach them.

2). Week two was re:Pent. This was been the toughest week. It was the toughest to be away from facebook and it was the toughest to be honest with God. We always hear the need to repent and be forgiven of our sins but I often times do not truly repent of everything that is on my heart and in my mind. I try to talk myself out of things that I did that are not pleasing to the Lord. So as I struggled with not logging into facebook as every talked about what students were doing, or pictures posted by friends, I also struggled with fully being honest about things of the past, hurts, healing, and current struggles. I learned that I am selfish about my time and activities to an extent that could be preventing me from things that God desires in my life. I came to face to face with what my desires in life are verse what God's desires for my life are. It was a healing week that I ended up loving by Tuesday night.

3). This week is re:deemed!! excited to share about that later =)

4). Since giving up facebook I have had the best phone conversations with friends. I have sent a couple of letters to people that live out of state! I have read more blogs and finished 2 books (I started them over 6 months ago). I feel more productive and accomplish then I have in a while. It really has been a freeing experience. I also have been involved in way less drama!! I'm not a dramatic person at all...I try to avoid drama at all circumstances, but it seems like knowing every one's business over facebook lends itself to getting involved in unwanted pressures of life =/ But it has been awesome to not be a part of that!!

That's the update for the last 2 weeks!
love ya all

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