Monday, March 26, 2012

re:Deemed & re:Joice

Lent Learnings:

Week 3 re:Deemed:
  • I am a redeemed child of God
  • God set us free as he was nailed to a cross with arms stretched out wide. Those arms reach down now to comfort, protect, and teach us that we are his beloved. We are his redeemed which means he has paid our debt, he has bought us. How cool is that?!?!? Christ hung on that cross to purchase you and me. Who would do that? I don't deserve to be bought at that price. The price of one's life. Yet Christ did it and I am forever thankful for that kind of love.
  • Ephesians 1:7- "we have redemption in Him through His blood, for the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace."
Week 4 re:Joice:
  • I am to rejoice in all circumstances. To have a joyful heart
  • In the bible we see distruction, war, devestation, people walking away from the Lord, God's disciples thrown in prison and so much more that would cause the normal person to be angry, sad, hopeless and for sure not joyful. Yet Paul rejoices while in prison. The people of the Old Testament find joy in God's delieverance. So why is it so hard to find joy in the midst of our pain? Our society focuses so much on harvesting our depression and anger instead of finding something to be joyful about. 
  • I am normally a pretty positive person and have learned to "rejoice in the Lord always" (phil 4:4) but this week I found it a little hard to rejoice and had to get a reality check from my mom. One of my good friends is about to loose her mom to cancer and it is devestating. Yesterday I went home to my mom's after a conversation with my friend and melted in my mom's arms. I couldn't understand (and won't ever), how such a great lady could be suffering so much. And more than ever my heart is so broken for my friend. My mom had to help me remember all the good times my friend has shared with her mom in recent years and all the cool things my friend has done that has brought her mom such joy. It was a moment that made that verse above come alive. We are to rejoice ALWAYS, which means even in pain and even when we don't understand, we are called to rejoice in what God is doing and what He has done.
  • I found this verse this week during a quiet time and loved it!! Isaiah 29:19 "The humble will have joy after joy in the Lord, and the poor people will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel."
I have learned that God relentlessly pursues me, I need to constantly repent, I have been redeemed, and I am called to rejoice always!

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