Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Adios Costa Rica

A week ago I was serving the Lord in Costa Rica, today I'm serving the Lord in Orange County. Although the location is different there are a lot of things similar between the two places. There are malls, grocery stores, fast food restaurants, beaches, poor-rich-& middle class. There are people who love the Lord and people who hate him. People with families and people who have been abandoned. Kids have attitudes towards parents, peers, teachers, and strangers no matter where you go. Skin color, clothing style, style of living, income, economy and politics might be different but in the eyes of God we are all the same. 
This trip was a humbling and reassuring experience for me. I've been doing mission work for over 8 years and have seen a lot. I've had my bible thrown at me, people yell in my face, sat on the filthy dirt covered floor of someones home. My eyes of seen poverty at its worst at yet joy in fullest. This trip was different though. I didn't see poverty like I have so many times in other places. I wasn't faced with having to really stand up for my faith and prove Jesus. My eyes saw things that I see in the United States. My heart reached out towards students in schools that I can find in Santa Ana. However God used those things and so much more to reassure my calling to "filthy" mission work. It was incredible to fly in and out of Guatemala city and still have that heartbreaking feeling and longing for those people. I was shown how much God wants me to work in the streets and dumps to save lives (more on that later). I'm still chewing and swallowing on what I've learned so more to come later.

HSM trip #2 team =)

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