Monday, August 15, 2011

Costa Rica from the eyes of students!

 Costa Rica 2011 by Jon Bixby


I have had an unbelieveable experience here in Costa Rica! Costa Rica is very different from the U.S., the drivers here in Costa Rica are absolutly nuts! I though LA drivers were bad, but not anymore. Alright, lets do this.

For me personally, this is my first mission trip, and it has been a very, triesome, thrilling, and unbelieveable experience to say the least. Ever since we left Ministry Office 2 at Saddleback Church Sunday night, it has been one wild ride. The whole LAX experience is something I will not forget for a long time.

On Wednesday, (Van 7 with AC) we visited Pastor Aruther´s chruch, and after meeting him, he took us to the school that the church is supporting. We prepped the school for painting but we not able to actually paint that day due to lose of time, and planted some tree´s around the school.

On Thursday, we went back to the same school, and then started painting and planted some more plant´s and tree´s. In the process of planting however, we stumbled upon an ant hill. These were no ordinary ants, these ants would bite you, and then that bite would leave a nice little bump that would soon later start to itch. They were lovely little creatures (lol). Matt took one for the team and got right on in there with the ants to place the plant in the hole in the ground and pat it down. His leg´s did not look pretty, and was covered in red bumps. After painting the school, and planting, we all came back to the hotel to play some games (Monopoly Deal is everyone´s favorite), relax, and just talk to each other. Around 11pm that night, we all piled into our van´s, and drove to Pastor Giovanni's church where all the HSM Student´s and Pastor Giovanni's church staff went out to the streets and served the homeless, ill, and sick. It was an experience I will never forget for the rest of my life. On the van ride back home, and into early early Friday morning (2-3am), student´s talked about what they witnessed and the whole the experinence in general.

Friday (same day) was a very emotional day for the students. Actually, both Thursday and Friday were emotional days for all of us. Ever since the experience with feeding the homeless late Thursday night, I could feel God starting to change and mold my heart. In the morning we visited a Senior Center where we talked, and danced with them. We had a great time! After the Senior Center, we went out to lunch, and then drove a orphange for disabled children where we just loved on them, held them, fed them, and prayed over the children. Many tears were shed while at the orphanage, it was an emotional experience. In the evening we all went to Pastor Aruthers church where all our students, and Pastor Aurther´s staff all came together and had fellowship together. We played games, ate, chatted, laughed, and just had an awesome time being together!

On Saturday, we went to "JHoly" which is a theater runned completey by students. In addition to it being runned completely by studens, all their plays are linked to Jesus Christ. It was an awesome experience. After JHoly in the morning, we drove to go help feed the homeless but it started to down pour, and I mean it poured hard! So since we couldn´t feed the homeless, we drove back to JHoly to play games, and ate. After lunch, we went to Pastor Rudy´s church where they were hosting a " Wild Wild West" Mother´s Day celebration for all the mothers where everyone was dressed up in Wild West outfits. After the event was over, we helped clean up and set-up for their church service. In the evening we went back to JHoly to watch one of their play´s, this play in perticulalr involved no words (which can a good thing when you can´t understand what they are saying when speaking in their own language).

(Sorry for the long post, almost done :))

Sunday (Yesterday) Morning, two van groups went to drove to Pastor Giovanni's church, and one went to Pastor Rudy. The two groups that went to Pastor Giovanni's church taught a lesson on respecting and honoring your mother to Junior High, and High School Student´s. Each of the van groups shared something different about repsecting your mother, and honoring her. After the first group went up and spoke, our van (Van 7), started off by singing the song "Jesus Loves Me" first in English, then in Spanish with hand motions. be continued later

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