Sunday, August 7, 2011

Leave a Legacy

This past Friday I attended and participated in the 2K4Kids annual dinner and auction fundraiser. We spent countless hours the week before preparing baskets and boards for the 100 plus auction items that came in. The night was then filled with loving friends and family who either knew my cousin Kari or have been impacted by her legacy. For me it was a kind of a wake of call.
2K4Kids is a foundation set up in honor of my cousin/mentor/friend Kari and her daughter Keira who passed away in a tragic car accident four years ago. It gives 10-12 college scholarship a year to students in the local Murrieta Valley. We also this year gave away hundreds of backpacks filled with school supplies, created a club that doesn't community outreach, and supported the building of upgraded playground equipment. Anyways as a current youth leader I was filled with joy as this years scholarship recipients took the stage. As the tears streamed down my face I realized just how incredible my cousin was. Four years later she is still impacting the lives of high school students. And then it hit me...she is still impacting my life!! As a high school student she pushed me to be better at school and strive towards success so I could get into college. She helped me with all my college essays (I was horrible at it and needed major help!). I went to college at her Alma Mater and on move in day she helped me meet one of my great friends Ashlee Barret. Kari was faithful at sending me packages of candy and random goodies to lift me up during finals. She is one of the reasons that I understand how important it is to pour into students when they are in high school. Kari helped mold me early on into the youth leader and friend I am today. I am so thankful for her leadership, love, trust and encouragement!!

The fundraiser was tons of fun. Here is a glimpse of the excitement.
 just a little sister love

the sign says kindness....this is pure kindness right here =)

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