Monday, August 15, 2011

CR from the eyes of students continued =)

From Katie Purcell¨

Yesterday was intresting... We all woke up and went to church to taeach our lessons to kids.  My group and Danielles group spoke to high school students.  Some people told stories out of the Bible and others told a story from their life.  I told part of my testimony... Its was probably the hardest thing Ive ever done.  First, because I HATE speaking infront of people I think its the worst thing known to man, also because Ive never shared any part of my story before.  AC said I should because my story could help other people and also help me a lot too...  Then after all of that we came back to the hostel for lunch and just hung out, because we had to go back to church at 5.  The service was the longest service Ive ever had to sit through!  It was 3 hours long and there was no lesson... They just played games and sang songs that were like 15 minutes long each!  It was cool to see how they worship because they sing the same songs just in Spanish.  Then after church we went to this BEAUTIFUL restraunt to eat.  It was at the to of the hill and we could see the city plus... And the food was good... Well Ive all been eating the same thing everyday, some form of beans and rice.  So it all tastes the same.  I cant wait to get home and eat anything but beans and rice!  Well today were heading off to Jaco so this will be a new adventure!

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