Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Costa Rica Day 1

The past 48 hours have been a world wind! I´ve slept on a plane for 2 hours only to be woken up by the captain announcing we had not taken off yet and we would be departing the plane. I´ve shutted 21 students to and from an airport 3 times. Watching students fall asleep in a hotel lobby. Played lots of card games while waiting to hear about when our flight would get rescheduled. Learned a dance routine in a hotel lobby. Boarded another plane Tuesday morning and finally landed in Costa Rica Tuesday afternoon. Its been crazy and tiring but fun at the same time.
Today our groups were split up and we finally started some ministry. My group went to a city called Hereda where Pastor Rudy does ministry. Rudy is incredible!! His passions and dreams for ministry tugged at my heart so much today. His church does ministry to the homeless, the crippled, the church outcast and so many others. Rudy has a passion for those that others don´t except, he sees the potential in people that is sometimes hard to see from the outside. He took us on a prayer walk through a 300 acre, tall grass land where his church will one day have a building and beautiful campus. Currently his congregation is making huge sacrifices to work on gaining ownership of the land. A couple of stepped in HUGE ant hills...and fought off some knarly bugs but it was great! We then had an incredible lunch of pollo, arroz, and frijoles (chicken, rice and beans). I´m pretty sure I could eat this kind of food for the rest of my life!! The rest of the day was spent at a private school. My students taught a lesson based on the Parable of the Seeds (we simplified everything for students) and rocked it. Kris and Emily H shared their testimonies and did a great job at showng how God can work through the people you surround yourself with. It was a great day of simple ministry and we can not wait to go back tomorrow and work with Rudy.

I´m loving being here and loving being with students. They are already making huge sacrificies and breaking out of their comfort zones tons! Its awesome to see the work God is already doing in and through each of them.
Its also great to have my little sister. We´ve never had a chance to really do ministry together as adults so this is incredible. She is such a good leader and was a huge help to me as we figured out airport cancellations and whatnot. I´m so proud of her and how God has changed and shaped her. Love watching students fall in love with her...she incredible!!

More to come....sorry for the aweful grammer and spelling (this keyboard is super stiff)

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